Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Castle

Ever since the 1st time that I watched 'Mallrats' Kevin Smith has been my idol.kevin smith; crafty cruzFor those of you who don't know who Kevin Smith is, here's his imdb: SNOOGANS . For years, his movies, podcasts, comics and Q & A's have helped shape the scope in which I view the world through. Whether it's dealing with inadequacy issues chasing amy Pictures, Images and Photos, crisis of faith dogma Pictures, Images and Photos , or just sharpening my wit clerks Pictures, Images and Photos I have spent countless hours with his work. What had seemed to be unfortunate for me was that my trench-coat clad hero's hay-day was in the 90's. Or so I thought...

On August 13th I moved to L.A. It just so happens that on that exact night Kevin Smith himself would be opening up his own black box 50-person theatre called the SModcastle. This name comes from the name of his podcast, called SModcast, which I have been listening to weekly since its debut in 2007. If you've never heard it, check it out here: SModcast . It's incredibly funny and 100% free. Anyways, the theatre would serve as a home for Smith and his partner Scott Mosier to do their show live and weekly (not replacing their home-recorded episodes, but just accompanying them).
The minute tickets went up, I purchased one for me and one for Jenn (my girlfriend who was helping me and my family with the move). Jenn and I left my apartment that night and took the 5-minute drive from Fuller ave. to 6488 Santa Monica Blvd. Here is the exterior of the castle: SModcastle front
SModcastle sign
Upon arriving, Jenn and I found a line of people out in front of the building. We walked to the
front of the line to check in and get our bracelets. We stood at the front for a few minutes, because
no one was coming to help us and when I turned around, I saw a man walk past the line, who I had seen
in movies but never in real life (I had already met Kevin Smith at WonderCon, so it's not him). I looked at
his face, then looked at the building that had his face on it, then back to him. He walked right up to the
front door and began knocking. I looked at Jenn in shock and she was giving the same look back to me.
After about 2 minutes I had to say something. "Scott Mosier?" I said. The man of many roles in the Askewniverse
(the universe that Kevin Smith's inter-connected movies are set in) turned and responded "Hey, what's up man?"
After a few more minutes of him knocking on the door called the SModcastle (the M stands for Mosier) without
an answer I said "Man, your face is on the building and even you can't get in". He chuckled and then turned around
to engage me in conversation. I asked him if he would mind taking a picture and he obliged:CRUZ & Scott Mosier
I asked him if he would be working on RED STATE (Smith's next movie) and he said that due to his cartoon in
development over at Disney, he would not be able to. As soon as someone realized that they had locked one of
the bosses out of the building, they opened the door to let him in. He said goodbye and that he hoped we enjoyed
the show. Ever since this meeting, Jenn has seemed to have an odd fascination with him. haha.
We waited in line for a few more minutes and then Jason Mewes (Jay from the movies) walked out of the front
door. I was so shocked that I accidentally blurted out "holy shit!" Once we got inside I realized that he was working
the merchandise booth, where I bought a SModcastle poster signed by Kevin Smith and Scott Mosier:SModcastle poster
and a picture with Jay himself:CRUZ & Mewes
The show was hilarious and it was a great night. Here are a few more pics: SModcastle stage
SModcastle interior
Jenn in SModcastle
CRUZ in SModcastle w/signed poster
Kevin Smith & Scott Mosier standing up in SModcastle
Kevin Smith & Scott Mosier in SModcastle
Kevin Smith & Scott Mosier in Smodcastle 3
CRUZ in front of SModcastle

Here is a link to a video that G4 did to cover the Castle: G4
& here's the Castle's site 2 see the weekly shows they do and to buy tickets:

I try to go at least twice a month. A very cool story related to this one coming very soon.


  1. Why are there sewing needles under your storm trooper??? Am I still the only one to ask that question??

  2. wow I really liked that G4 interview...
